For example, Charmander evolves into Charmeleon. Both of which are Fire Type Pokemon. However, Charmeleon evolves into Charizard, which happens to be a Fire/Flying Type.
Before an evolution can take place, each species of Pokémon requires a different amount of Candy. Once the required number of Candy is acquired by a player he or she be given the option to evolve that particular species of Pokémon.
Why Should I Evolve my Pokémon?
An evolved Pokémon will not only look different from its original form, it will become more powerful as well. When a Pokémon evolves, its CP level will increase by a large amount. The amount of Combat Points a Pokemon has, directly translates into more powerful Moves and increased damage in Battle.
Note: Evolved species of Pokémon will oftentimes have higher CP than wild Pokémon of the same species.
For example, in most cases with Trainer Levels being the same, an evolved Beedrill will have higher CP than a wild Beedrill).
As you play Pokemon Go, you will often see that evolved forms of Pokémon fair better in capturing and defending Gym than that of the lesser evolution stages. For example, a Blastoise should defeat a Squirtle in battle 99.9% of the time.
Where Can Pokémon be Evolved?
By going to the Main Menu and then selecting 'Pokémon' you can view the Candy requirements of each Pokémon you've caught. Once you have enough, the option to Evolve that particular species of Pokémon will become available.
For example, if you have the required number of Candy for Abra, the game will prompt you with: Do you want to evolve Abra? Simply select 'Yes' and the evolution will take place.
When Can Pokémon be Evolved?
As soon as the Candy Requirements for a specific Evolution line you can choose to Evolve any single Pokémon of that particular species. For example, if you have ten different Abras you can only choose to evolve one. Once the evolution takes place, the Candy will be used up and it will need to be collected once again before another evolution can take place.
How Can Candy Be Collected?
Capturing a Pokémon in Pokémon Go will credit you with Candy towards that specific evolution line of Pokémon. Capture a Caterpie? You will gain Candy for Caterpie and Metapod. Once the required amount of Candy is obtained, a single Caterpie can then be evolved into Metapod.
Tips for Evolving Pokémon
- Choose Pokémon with the single highest amount of CP for evolution. This will maximize the total CP of the new evolved Pokémon.
- Even if you release a Pokémon to the Professor after capturing it, you will still retain the Candy. You will also get Candy for actually transferring it to the Professor.
Additional Resources:
Best Methods for Powering Up & Evolving Pokémon
Please see below for a full list of Pokemon Go Evolutions:
Where Can Pokémon be Evolved?
By going to the Main Menu and then selecting 'Pokémon' you can view the Candy requirements of each Pokémon you've caught. Once you have enough, the option to Evolve that particular species of Pokémon will become available.
For example, if you have the required number of Candy for Abra, the game will prompt you with: Do you want to evolve Abra? Simply select 'Yes' and the evolution will take place.
When Can Pokémon be Evolved?

How Can Candy Be Collected?
Capturing a Pokémon in Pokémon Go will credit you with Candy towards that specific evolution line of Pokémon. Capture a Caterpie? You will gain Candy for Caterpie and Metapod. Once the required amount of Candy is obtained, a single Caterpie can then be evolved into Metapod.
Tips for Evolving Pokémon
- Choose Pokémon with the single highest amount of CP for evolution. This will maximize the total CP of the new evolved Pokémon.
- Even if you release a Pokémon to the Professor after capturing it, you will still retain the Candy. You will also get Candy for actually transferring it to the Professor.
Additional Resources:
Best Methods for Powering Up & Evolving Pokémon
Please see below for a full list of Pokemon Go Evolutions:
Pokedex # | Pic | Pokémon | Candy Required | Evolves From | Evolves Into | Type 1 | Type 2 |
#001 | Bulbasaur | 25 | - | ||||
#002 | Ivysaur | 100 | |||||
#003 | Venusaur | - | - | ||||
#004 | Charmander | 25 | - | ||||
#005 | Charmeleon | 100 | |||||
#006 | Charizard | - | - | ||||
#007 | Squirtle | 25 | - | ||||
#008 | Wartortle | 100 | |||||
#009 | Blastoise | - | - | ||||
#010 | Caterpie | 12 | - | ||||
#011 | Metapod | 50 | |||||
#012 | Butterfree | - | - | ||||
#013 | Weedle | 12 | - | ||||
#014 | Kakuna | 50 | |||||
#015 | Beedrill | - | - | ||||
#016 | Pidgey | 12 | - | ||||
#017 | Pidgeotto | 50 | |||||
#018 | Pidgeot | - | - | ||||
#019 | Rattata | 25 | - | ||||
#020 | Raticate | - | - | ||||
#021 | Spearow | 50 | - | ||||
#022 | Fearow | - | - | ||||
#023 | Ekans | 50 | - | ||||
#024 | Arbok | - | - | ||||
#025 | Pikachu | 50 | - | ||||
#026 | Raichu | - | - | ||||
#027 | Sandshrew | 50 | - | ||||
#028 | Sandslash | - | - | ||||
#029 | Nidoran♀ | 25 | - | ||||
#030 | Nidorina | 100 | |||||
#031 | Nidoqueen | - | - | ||||
#032 | Nidoran♂ | 25 | - | ||||
#033 | Nidorino | 100 | |||||
#034 | Nidoking | - | - | ||||
#035 | Clefairy | 50 | - | ||||
#036 | Clefable | - | - | ||||
#037 | Vulpix | 50 | - | ||||
#038 | Ninetales | - | - | ||||
#039 | Jigglypuff | 50 | - | ||||
#040 | Wigglytuff | - | - | ||||
#041 | Zubat | 50 | - | ||||
#042 | Golbat | - | - | ||||
#043 | Oddish | 25 | - | ||||
#044 | Gloom | 100 | |||||
#045 | Vileplume | - | - | ||||
#046 | Paras | 50 | - | ||||
#047 | Parasect | - | - | ||||
#048 | Venonat | 50 | - | ||||
#049 | Venomoth | - | - | ||||
#050 | Diglett | 50 | - | ||||
#051 | Dugtrio | - | - | ||||
#052 | Meowth | 50 | - | ||||
#053 | Persian | - | - | ||||
#054 | Psyduck | 50 | - | ||||
#055 | Golduck | - | - | ||||
#056 | Mankey | 50 | - | ||||
#057 | Primeape | - | - | ||||
#058 | Growlithe | 50 | - | ||||
#059 | Arcanine | - | - | ||||
#060 | Poliwag | 25 | - | ||||
#061 | Poliwhirl | 100 | |||||
#062 | Poliwrath | - | - | ||||
#063 | Abra | 25 | - | ||||
#064 | Kadabra | 100 | |||||
#065 | Alakazam | - | - | ||||
#066 | Machop | 25 | - | ||||
#067 | Machoke | 100 | |||||
#068 | Machamp | - | - | ||||
#069 | Bellsprout | 25 | - | ||||
#070 | Weepinbell | 100 | |||||
#071 | Victreebel | - | - | ||||
#072 | Tentacool | 50 | - | ||||
#073 | Tentacruel | - | - | ||||
#074 | Geodude | 25 | - | ||||
#075 | Graveler | 100 | |||||
#076 | Golem | - | - | ||||
#077 | Ponyta | 50 | - | ||||
#078 | Rapidash | - | - | ||||
#079 | Slowpoke | 50 | - | ||||
#080 | Slowbro | - | - | ||||
#081 | Magnemite | 50 | - | ||||
#082 | Magneton | - | - | ||||
#083 | Farfetch'd | - | - | - | |||
#084 | Doduo | 50 | - | ||||
#085 | Dodrio | - | - | ||||
#086 | Seel | 50 | - | ||||
#087 | Dewgong | - | - | ||||
#088 | Grimer | 50 | - | ||||
#089 | Muk | - | - | ||||
#090 | Shellder | 50 | - | ||||
#091 | Cloyster | - | - | ||||
#092 | Gastly | 25 | - | ||||
#093 | Haunter | 100 | |||||
#094 | Gengar | - | - | ||||
#095 | Onix | - | - | - | |||
#096 | Drowzee | 50 | - | ||||
#097 | Hypno | - | - | ||||
#098 | Krabby | 50 | - | ||||
#099 | Kingler | - | - | ||||
#100 | Voltorb | 50 | - | ||||
#101 | Electrode | - | - | ||||
#102 | Exeggcute | 50 | - | ||||
#103 | Exeggutor | - | - | ||||
#104 | Cubone | 50 | - | ||||
#105 | Marowak | - | - | ||||
#106 | Hitmonlee | - | - | - | |||
#107 | Hitmonchan | - | - | - | |||
#108 | Lickitung | - | - | - | |||
#109 | Koffing | 50 | - | ||||
#110 | Weezing | - | - | ||||
#111 | Rhyhorn | 50 | - | ||||
#112 | Rhydon | - | - | ||||
#113 | Chansey | - | - | - | |||
#114 | Tangela | - | - | - | |||
#115 | Kangaskhan | - | - | - | |||
#116 | Horsea | 50 | - | ||||
#117 | Seadra | - | - | ||||
#118 | Goldeen | 50 | - | ||||
#119 | Seaking | - | - | ||||
#120 | Staryu | 50 | - | ||||
#121 | Starmie | - | - | ||||
#122 | Mr. Mime | - | - | - | |||
#123 | Scyther | - | - | - | |||
#124 | Jynx | - | - | - | |||
#125 | Electabuzz | - | - | - | |||
#126 | Magmar | - | - | - | |||
#127 | Pinsir | - | - | - | |||
#128 | Tauros | - | - | - | |||
#129 | Magikarp | 400 | - | ||||
#130 | Gyarados | - | - | ||||
#131 | Lapras | - | - | - | |||
#132 | Ditto | - | - | - | |||
#133 | Eevee | 25 | - | Vaporeon, Jolteon or Flareon | |||
#134 | Vaporeon | - | - | ||||
#135 | Jolteon | - | - | ||||
#136 | Flareon | - | - | ||||
#137 | Porygon | - | - | - | |||
#138 | Omanyte | 50 | - | ||||
#139 | Omastar | - | - | ||||
#140 | Kabuto | 50 | - | ||||
#141 | Kabutops | - | - | ||||
#142 | Aerodactyl | - | - | - | |||
#143 | Snorlax | - | - | - | |||
#144 | Articuno | - | - | - | |||
#145 | Zapdos | - | - | - | |||
#146 | Moltres | - | - | - | |||
#147 | Dratini | 25 | - | ||||
#148 | Dragonair | 100 | |||||
#149 | Dragonite | - | - | ||||
#150 | Mewtwo | - | - | - | |||
#151 | Mew | - | - | - |
Yes all 151 gen 1 pokemon
Yes, it is likely they will add more in the months following for the release, but for now just the 151 Generation One Pokemon!
Can Pidgey candy be used to evolve a Pidgeotto? Or do evolutions have their own types of candy required?
Yes, Pidgey candy is used to evolve Pidgey and Pidgeotto.
If i transfer an evolved wild pokemon to professor which i caught by a pokeball, how much candy will i get for it? The same amount as the non-evolved species, or more because it's evolved?
And is it even worth doing it?
Your theory is flawed. Evolution and highest CP does not guarantee a bigger move set. I evolved a CP494 Squirtle 25/35 fight set and ended up with a CP754 Wartortle with only 9/30 fight set. CP and HP can be improved by powering up; there is nothing that you can do (currently) to improve fight set.
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