Types in Pokémon Go are species of Pokémon that have similar characteristics.
There are eighteen different Types of Pokémon which include Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy.
Each Type has its own individual strengths and weaknesses. A strong Pokemon team will include a variety of different Types of Pokemon.A single Pokemon may have either one or two types, depending on the species.
There are eighteen different Types of Pokémon which include Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy.
Each Type has its own individual strengths and weaknesses. A strong Pokemon team will include a variety of different Types of Pokemon.A single Pokemon may have either one or two types, depending on the species.
The following chart shows how effective Move Types are against each Type of Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Moves may deal normal damage, extra damage or reduced damage. In Pokémon Go every Pokémon Type can deal damage to other types. Click the chart to enlarge it.
All Pokemon Listed by Type
All Generation One Pokemon can be seen in the chart below. The chart is sorted alphabetically by the first Type of each Pokemon.
Pokemon of the same type will have the same Type strengths and weaknesses in battle. For example, when defending, Fire Types will take more damage from Water Type moves and less damage from Grass Type moves. When attacking, Fire Type moves will deal greater damage to Grass Types, but less damage to Water Types.
The easiest way to understand the Type Effectiveness in Pokemon is by taking a look at the simple chart below.

At the very bottom, Fighting is Super Effective against Normal Types, while Normal Types are not Super Effective against any other Type.
Pokemon Go One Types (151 Pokemon)
The percentage breakdown of all Types is as follows:
Type | Type Count | % of All Generation One Pokemon |
Poison | 33 | 21.85% |
Water | 32 | 21.19% |
Normal | 22 | 14.57% |
Flying | 19 | 12.58% |
Grass | 14 | 9.27% |
Ground | 14 | 9.27% |
Psychic | 14 | 9.27% |
Fire | 12 | 7.95% |
Bug | 12 | 7.95% |
Rock | 11 | 7.28% |
Electric | 9 | 5.96% |
Fighting | 8 | 5.30% |
Fairy | 5 | 3.31% |
Ice | 5 | 3.31% |
Ghost | 3 | 1.99% |
Dragon | 3 | 1.99% |
Steel | 2 | 1.32% |
Dark | 0 | 0.00% |
Pokemon Go Type Tips
- Build your team with a variety of types to balance out weaknesses. A Team of pure Water Types may fair well against Rock, Ground and Fire, but a single Grass or Electric Pokemon could easily wipe out half of your team!
- Gym Leaders should stagger different Types of Pokemon to defend most strategically against challengers.
If you have any thoughts about Types in Pokemon Go, feel free to leave a comment below!
What types have zero effectiveness against what other types? Do ghosts receive normal damage?
Good question. I'm not sure how this will work in Pokemon Go just yet. I will update once the game is released and we know for sure.
What is a POI for Biome?
POI - Point of Interest
Wonder if abilities and whatnot still semi-exist, i.e. Ghastly family being immune to ground due to levitation
So from what it seems fire types are almost impossible to find.
Fire types are basically all I can find here in Arizona...
Just for some help ghost attacks against a normal Pokemon do half damage in this game.
Has this been updated with verified Pokemon Go type chart? Does it align to any particular generation's type chart or is it unique to Pokemon Go?
Are the pokemon locations valid?
Should try airport (city) or private airstrip (rural) to see if you get a bunch of Flying type
The airport near me has a gym but has zero Pokemon to catch too much parking lot around for anything to catch
How does having a dual type affect the effectiveness of an attack? Lapras is Water/Ice. Fire moves are super effective against Water, but not very effective against Ice. Would a Fire move be super effective against Lapras, not very effective, or just normal?
"Type Strengths and Weaknesses"....
Can you do a similar chart for the defenses?
I'm on a roll here.....
"Pokemon Go Locations By Type"... a possible rewrite...
While Pokémon of all types can be found anywhere, there is a significantly greater chance of finding a particular Pokémon in a biome that matches one of the Pokémon's types. For example, Caterpie will be found most often in Forests, Farms or Golf Courses, etc., while Seel, a water Type, is much more likely to be found near Lakes and Oceans.
Here is a list of Biomes and their matching Types.
Fountain spawns water types. Fyi
So my Pidgeotto with steel wing and aircutter is good against xyz because he has a flying and a steel attack and week against abc as flying and normal. You seem to enjoy the stats, and it would be a ton of them, there's probably an immense data pool to go through to determine what is the best attack combos for each.
As a normal/flying, though in this case having no normal attack but a steel and a flying attack, what really counts in the fight. His type would be important to note defensively but not necessarily offensively. I know it's only several half formed ideas but do you get where I'm going? Lmao
So basically I'm gonna spend the rest of my life looking for fire types... great
Thx. Great info.
I know that weaknesses are slightly different in go! As there are no immunities and super effective is x1.25 but do dual types get double weaknesses or double resistance? I.e. does gyarados take x1.5 DMG from electric?
It seems that ghost type is the best to put in a gym for now.
It has four types that it has reduced damage from, and only two types that does extra damage. Dark types does not exist yet, so only same Ghost type is effective on your Pokemon, which means s/he's just equally effective on the enemy.
Anyone could answer this questiona? Dual types get double weaknesses or double resistance?
Is it Normal to find a lot of Eevee around ? My garden is full of them. (I live 60km from the town)
Kingdra not listed?
Could this get updated? To include gen2 mon's?
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