

⬅ #001 Bulbasaur#003 Venusaur ➡
Pokedex Entry #002: Ivysaur is a Grass/Poison Type Pokemon. It evolves into Venusaur.
There is a bud on this Pokémon's back. To support its weight, Ivysaur's legs and trunk grow thick and strong. If it starts spending more time lying in the sunlight, it's a sign that the bud will bloom into a large flower soon.
Species:Seed Pokémon
Height:3′3″ (0.99m)
Weight:28.7 lbs (13.0 kg)
Ivysaur Base StatsIvysaur Stat Rankings
Stamina:120Stamina:# 130
Attack:151Attack:# 133
Defense:151Defense:# 122
Max CP:1552CP:# 132
Overall:# 136
Ivysaur Moves
Ivysaur Fast Moves:Ivysaur Charge Moves:
Razor LeafVine WhipPower WhipSludge BombSolar Beam
Cooldown:1 sec0.6 secCooldown:2.6 sec2.3 sec4.9 sec
w/ STAB:16.314.6w/ STAB:43.343.545.9
Ideal Moveset for Ivysaur:
Move:Razor LeafSolar Beam
Category:Fast Charge
DPS (w/ STAB):16.345.9
Rank (w/ STAB):#5#17
Overall Rank:#227#59
*Ivysaur Legacy Moves
Legacy Fast Moves:Legacy Charge Moves:
w/ STAB:w/ STAB:
*Ivysaur acquired before update may have a Legacy Move listed above. However, Legacy moves are no longer obtainable.
Ivysaur Locations
Grass Offensive Type Effectiveness
Grass Type Moves are Super Effective Against:
XGrass Type Moves are Not Very Effective Against:
Grass Defensive Type Effectiveness
These Types are Not Very Effective Against Grass Pokemon:
XThese Types are Super Effective Against Grass Pokemon:
Poison Offensive Type Effectiveness
Poison Type Moves are Super Effective Against:
XPoison Type Moves are Not Very Effective Against:
Poison Defensive Type Effectiveness
These Types are Not Very Effective Against Poison Pokemon:
XThese Types are Super Effective Against Poison Pokemon:
Ivysaur Evolution
Ivysaur Evolves FromIvysaurEvolves Into
Candy Required for Evolution
⬅ #001 Bulbasaur#003 Venusaur ➡
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tkr808 said...

Ivysaur found in Honolulu, Hawaii

CLW said...

Found in Columbia, MD in office building.

Unknown said...

i found an ivysaur near my house, but wasn't able to catch it because i ran out of pokeballs. damn i was very unlucky, never let your pokeballs reach zero.

Unknown said...

found one near my uncle's house, but i didn't catch it because i ran out of pokeballs, never let your pokeballs reach zero, my felloww pokemon trainers.

Anonymous said...

Caught Ivysaur at a park in OKC. The park is very popular for playing - there are several pokestops and a couple gyms. Ivysaur was in an area of three pokestops (almost on top of each other) and each one had a lure.

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