You may or may not have already seen this chart being shared over Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.. If not, this chart gives a good indication as to which Pokémon you may get from each Egg (organized by Egg distance requirement).
The longer the distance an Egg requires, the rarer the Pokémon will be. Although it may not seem like it when you get a Paras from 5KM egg or an Eevee from a 10KM Egg... more often than not the longer the distance the Egg, the better the Pokémon!
The longer the distance an Egg requires, the rarer the Pokémon will be. Although it may not seem like it when you get a Paras from 5KM egg or an Eevee from a 10KM Egg... more often than not the longer the distance the Egg, the better the Pokémon!
I receive Mr.Mime from 10km egg
Do you have a smaller, blurrier version of this chart? :)
Still no farfetch'd.
farfetch'd is dead center in the chart @marcus
Where is STARMIE
you only get stage one pkmn from eggs...
Starmie isn't on the chart but Staryu is in the 5k list, and Staryu can evolve into Starmie
Got 1 eevee from my first 10k egg, then got another eevee from my second 10k egg.... But they each came with 25 candy, so that's nice.
The chart is $#/&. My brother got a weedle with a 5k egg. I got a ponyta with a 10k. I have caught pokemons that were 10 times stronger than my hatch. That's if they even hatch. Last week I had a 2k and two 6k eggs freeze up. I let 2k and one 5k alone for 15 minutes. The never hatched and had to reopen app and the eggs were gone and a waist of blue incubators.I was connected to WiFi at the house when I finished them off, so it was not an Internet connection.
If it freezes during a hatch, you just don't get the hatch video.. check your inventory, you'll have your new pokemon there (sort by time to see the last 1 you got). not a waste.
as for strength (CP) of a pokemon hatched vs caught.. you should check the IV scores, as I am sure the hatched might have a higher percentage of perfection than those caught in the wild. CP isn't always the best indicator.
So everyone is aware, you can receive any pokemon from a 10k egg, and you can receive 2k and 5k pokemon from 5k eggs.
Why is eevee in the 10km eggs it should be in the 5km eggs eevee's aren't that rare to find compared to the other 10km Pokemon
i got hitmonchan in my 10km egg :( only just under 200 cp aswell wtf!
Yes Anonymous, you got hitchmonchan from a 10k egg -- which is what the chart indicates is one possibility. Do you have a question, or ???
wait, I got a rhyhorn out of 10km egg but it isn't standing in the list. Was it glitched or something?
I got an Eevee from a 10km egg and it was under 200 cp but i was able to evolve it to a 500 cp jolteon
Did you know farfetch'd only in Asia regent not anywhere else
Lapras cp 1800 with 30 candy
Magmar from 10k 900 cp 17 candys
I got a hitmonchan in my 10km egg with 100 cup I powered him up to 327 cp tho
Btw I got 20 candies from it
I think this is pretty accurate. I got a Hitmonchan, Kabuto, and Jynx from 10k egg. But for 2k I have gotten the same things multiples times: weedle, rattata, pidgey, and once a magicarp and zubat.
Got an Ekans from a 2k, couple of discrepancies but otherwise pretty accurate. Chuck on a lucky egg before your hatch and you're more likely to hatch a Pokemon with higher rarity.
where is Gyrados?!?!?!?!?!?!
Gyrados evolves from magikarp you get magikarps from 2K eggs it takes 400 candies to evolve him
I got a Mr.Mime from a 10km egg, so disappointing.
FML I need a Lapras from my 10K eggs but I only get damn Eevee's it's pissing me off. Lapras, Machamp, Gengar and Blastoise are the last pokemon I need to complete the dex other than Ditto, the Legendary Birds and the Mew duo.
FML. I'm level 24, been playing since July 7 or so, and have hatched 53 eggs. However, I've only ever RECEIVED one 10K egg, and it was a damn Pinsir. Why???
Lvl 23 and have hatched 149 eggs and I still can't get a dang charmander or bulbasaur to hatch. And for the chart might work better just putting all in different format.
Ive gotten 2 Lapras, 2 Snorlax, Eevee, 3 Electabuzz, and 2 Jinx from 10km eggs
What a bunch of whiner babies! I haven't caught some of the Pokémon your complaining about like Pincer. It's a game, stop thinking things will be handed to you!
Reading through the comments thinking half these people are 12 year old kids who can't speak English and are crying over a game. Lul
I've hatched a LOT of eggs but have only gotten 4 10ks: Onix, Electrabuzz, game glitched and i got nothing, and hitmonchan. All of them are easy to find outside of the 10ks so i was pretty dissappointed. 5ks have been better to me.
At least yall got pokemon from your 10ks. The game glitched and i never got one from my last one. Previous one was a hitmonchan but those are everywhere. So far the 5ks have been much better.
It has been 100% accurate for me so fair hatched 60 eggs.. got a 1200 scyther, 1300 snorlax, 554 eve, and a 1000 Magmar out of ten k eggs
I have a pinsir and omanyte
Is there a percentage chance for each Pokemon within its egg tier? Because I've hatched over 70 5k eggs and have yet to receive about 1/3 of of the list...
Constantly getting garbage like Goldeens and Ekans, it's so frustrating.
Cp 714 Jynx with 10k egg so that's decent I guess
I found a wild charizard but cp was so low not even worth it
Why do I keep getting the same ole crap from the 2K eggs? My first two were Charmanders, and now I can't seem to get anything but Ratatas, Pidgey, and Weedle.
Someone might have already responded to the "you can only hatch stage one pokemon" comment, but that's not accurate. I definitely hatched a Nidorino from a 5k egg. I'm now curious how far that goes and with what % likelihood.
This chart is 100% accurate. Any deviations noted in the comments here is due to user incompetence.
I've hatched 200+ eggs, I am level 25. I have gotten a 2 cp 1900 Snorelax, cp 1400 magma, 2 co 1100 kind, 2 co 1300 electabuzz amongst others. You can receive any pokemon on the list from 10k eggs, you can receive any pokemon from 2k and 5k eggs from 5k eggs, and you can only receive 2k pokemon from 2k eggs. The pokemon you receive from your eggs is completely random, nothing can cause you to have better chance of hatching a rarer pokemon it's complete chance. Trust me I have tried everything I can think of and everything anyone else has thought of several times. I have hatched 60+ 10k eggs.
People who are saying you can hatch any Pokemon in 10k eggs are just plain lying. You can ONLY get the 10k Pokemon as indicated in the 10k eggs section from 10k eggs, you can ONLY get the 5k Pokemon as indicated in the 5k section from 5k eggs and you can ONLY get 2k Pokemon as indicated by the 2k section from 2k eggs. So do not worry about hatching a weeded from a 5k or a staryu from a 10k. People who are saying their game froze whilst hatching, please just go to your inventory and switch to your most recently caught Pokemon. You will find the Pokemon that hatched there. I am level 35 so I'm pretty sure I have enough experience with the game to post a comment.
Just got a 1411 CP SNORLAX from a 10km egg
I got a spearow from 10k egg so the chart is wrong.
Got 30+1 dratini from 10km egg
I got a snorlax 1521 cp and 20 candy :)
To all of those complaing about getting a 2km egg pokemon out of a 5km egg or a 5km pokemon out of a 10km ...
only 2km pokemon can come out of a 2km egg
2km and 5km pokemon can come out of a 5km egg
2km ,5km and 10km pokemon can come out of a 10km egg
there do you understand now
I got a 3cp weedle. I hate me.
There's a running theory that certain poke stops give specific eggs which hatch certain Pokemon. Test and respond!
I got a 1200 cp aradacyle with 30 candies from a 10 egg it was sweet!!
Is it possible to get another 10km egg if you still have 1?
Yes you can, i had 0 10km egg since ever but now found 2 in a row
If the chart is true then why did i hatch a 2k egg today and got an oddish, it was a high oddish and ik for a fact it was a 2k egg because i had only 2 2k eggs hatching at that time.
I've been quite lucky with my eggs. Had quite a few 10km eggs - Lapras, Electrabuzz, 4 X Eevee (giving me enough candy to get all 3 evolutions) 2 X Mr Mime, 2 X Pinsir, Magmar and Onix. The best has been getting 2 X Pikachu from 2km eggs. But I have gone through nearly 100 eggs. In Birmingham, England these Pokemon are rare. I've had 4 X Ponyta from 5km eggs so was able to evolve to a Rapidash. The same with Growlithe and Vulpix giving me enough to get Arcanine and Ninetails.
Ive got a 5km and 10km egg and theyre both stuck in 4km is this a glitch cuz i got 3g and gps signal and im walking too
The chart is correct what's with people saying it isn't?!?! The only mistake is mr mime who is in 10km egg
Is oddish 2k or 5k?
I am a mid level 22, have hatched over 60 eggs and not 1 10k egg. Wth. How is this possible. Everyone else around me is getting them constantly. So irritating
Getting a Pinsir after hatch a 10km is very nasty. you can catch them all the time!!
All the people complaining about getting 'trash'...and heres me still hyped when i catch a weedle :) it's a good life.
Got a snorlax 600cp 16 candys from a 10k egg
Wtf got 2 Onyx from my 10km egg, the feels bru..
How can so many people be so convinced that they know more than the people who delved into code to verify the exact Pokemon that hatch from each level egg?
No, you didn't hatch a Weedle from a 5km egg. Your eggs didn't disappear without hatching. And, to the guy convinced an Oddish hatched from a 2km egg... you're RIGHT. That's where they come from!
I find it amusing and ironic when I see someone using improper English when they criticize the English of others.
No, Oddish hatches from a 5k egg, not a 2k egg. I just hatched one a few hours ago.
They forgot Omanyte in the lower chart.
Got a poached egg from a 10k, fried from a 5k and scrambled from a 2k all 5million + CP
i'm curious if mr mime is 10k or 5k, and also i didn't know oddish's came from 2ks, never got that in the 200 eggs ive hatched(majority beings 2k's)
i got picachu in a 2km egg with cp498 and also i got much luck in a 5k egg with new pokemon i already hatched 4 10km egg and all contains a magmar with almost same cp1200+ nothingleas it must be a glitch.
Mike, I had two eggs hatching at the same time; the game glitched, I lost both. No, they were not in my inventory. No, there was nothing in my journal to indicate that I'd even hatched an egg. I'm a pretty smart person, so I'd say it wasn't operator error.
Pokemon is supposed to be fun. Perhaps people on this thread can stop acting like others are idiots, especially when the game has been glitchy from the start.
^^^You're an idiot.
I've hatched about 70 eggs and I just got 6 10 ks in the last three gf was really pissed..but then we caught a Slowbro and venasaur both levels 1200 or so..hers were only like 300 (lol) was just a really lucky night..Can't wait for the update...I need to get my snorlax some candies
where is dugtrio ?
Got an Oddish from a 5k egg, weird.
I have a theory on how to guess if a egg hatch will be good or not... I've noticed that my 5k and 2k eggs keep switching around in order and if it goes off of the Pokemon view I think if you hatch the first ones they will turn out with the better pokemon. Still just a theory I'm going to test it when I get my eggs built back up
i have been playing alot from july 29 and i can say with certainty that this list is correct and that ppl who say they get a shitty pokemon from 10 km egg are probably to stupid to notice multiple eggs hatch and usually 2km eggs come first so yes pidgeys and ratatas u wil see first when hatcing multiple eggs at once , i caught evrything without leaving my home area in a range of 7 km and i have 280 eggs hatched , only ones on the list i havent got are kangaskan tauros farfetched grimer all 5 kms, and in the 10km egg range i havnt got a chansey yet only , so i can confirm this list is 100 procent accurate as in dead on , all u kids must udnerstand u can only get NON EVOLVED pokemon out of eggs and NOT a first evolution of a pokemon . i am lvl 28 i know this game inside out since i was lvl 20 i dont know why its so hard for some ppl to figure out basic game mechanics wich are plain simple if u look at the patterns the game uses, as for example ur eggs are also level bound , wich means if u get 10km egg on lvl 5 it will be a shitty pokemon ven if you evolve it at lvl 20 and beyond , i kept 6 10km eggs till lvl 20 and got 4 shit pokemons below 400 and a decent aerodactyl and scyther 1000+ as i saw this i immidiatly knew eggs were lvl bound cus theres no other explanation. so i hope u ppl will learn to trust this map cus it is 100 genuine
I hatched a couple evees a hitmonchan which was 868 co and my last 10k was a 1675 lapras with 16 candys
List is right on...level 22 been accurate for 100 eggs. Good work.
I think the eggs are pre-determined. What you get is essentially a lottery....hence why some people have not had 10k eggs due to them being more rare than a 2 or 5. And I've had a decent 1000 aerodactyl, and also had the rubbish cp weedles. Maybe trainer level affects what level you can receive aswell.
I think it matters where you got the egg from. Eggs I got near work usually have different pokemon that I got near my home. 10K eggs near home got all eevees, where as work ones got chansey, syther and Lapras
I got an 1140 Aerodactyl from the only 10Km egg I've ever gotten.
I have only received two 10km eggs in my time playing pokemon go... and both of them were onix! Both were under 400 cp and I was above level 20 when I hatched them. I now have 60 onix candy 😂
1/10/16: The list holds perfectly for me (level 23). I have thought eggs have disappeared...just like I have seen pokestops "fail" (with either a white spinning disc or the "try again later" message without seeing any items). In both cases the trusty journal shows what is what!!! There is no 100% perfect game and glitches will always happen. I was very ill and have put on 5 stone in a year and a half. This game has given me the motivation to get out their and walk and I walk many km with my nephew and on my own!! For info I am 52 years old ;-)Lets not forget either that pokemon are regional...some of the pokemon commenters are saying are too common are as yet not in my collection!
However, I caught 2 Dratinis this morning in a 10 minute period!! I love this game and am now setting up second high CP pokemon ready for 2nd gen evolution. Gotta catch 'em all!!
Reading these comments make me want to kill myself. You're all stupid. You CANNOT hatch a rhyorn or ponyta or mr. mime or any other pokemon that is not in the 10 KM egg list from a 10 km egg. You are a liar or you're an idiot if you say otherwise. If your app freezes or crashes during the hatching animation or you turn on your app and the egg is gone, the pokemon IS in your inventory. It will say it in your journal as well. If you claim that it disappeared and you can't find it, you are again a liar or an idiot. You also CANNOT hatch region exclusive pokemon out of eggs. It has been studied, experimented on and proven. Anyone claiming to have hatched a region exclusive out of an egg is a liar or an idiot. This is the lowest IQ comments section I have ever seen. maybe you should fact check yourself before posting dumb things online.
Hey anonymous....stop beating about the bush and say what you really feel 😂😂😂 I was deliberately much more low key in my comment but you are saying much the same thing 😉 this very evening I got home from work to find 2 2km eggs I was incubating had gone. I knew that a genuine glitch was that the hatching animation didn't always play so I checked my journal and it showed a pidgey and a weedle had hatched in the last few hours! To those who believe they are losing eggs I would suggest making a note of eggs incubated and if any disappear, check your journal.
Never get 10km eggs any more. Haven't for about a month. Not sure if it's because I live in a smaller city or what, but I used to get them more often when I was low-level.
I must admit my two friends and I compared notes and since level 21 we have only had 1 10km egg between us! We are level 23 now.
Region exclusive eggs....Mr mime is region exclusive but I've hatched him from a 10k egg. Fact, because it was my first 10k egg I remember correctly! So is that because we are in Europe (Mr mime being region exclusive to Europe?) I'm just making the point as someone just had a rant saying region exclusive eggs cannot be hatched....
2 10km eggs 1754CP Lapras with frost breath and blizzard, and a 1175CP Snorlax with Zen Headbutt and Hyper Beam
Why Onix for 10k egg? ..such a shit pokemon :)
Got one yesterday, I'm still in shock hehe!
whoever uses vaporeon in gyms is a piece of bulls##t
Still no ditto
I hatched a macho out of a 5km egg, which is normal, but on Halloween so it gave me 43 candie!!
This comments section makes me want to gouge out my eyes. So many stupid, stupid people in the world. Perhaps some of you should be doing some proper research on how the game works.
I'm currently compiling a spreadshee to determine which Pokémon are the most likely to hatch from particular eggs. My aim is to set if it is more likely you will hatch a given Pokémon from a category of eggs. I don't have a huge amount of data yet, but I'm starting to see some early patterns emmerging.
The only category I will not consent is the 10km category yet with only 12 recorded hatches. So far, I've only had duplicates of Eevee and Aerodactyl. I hear of a lot of Eevees, Aerodsctyls and Pinsirs, and competitively few Chancey, Snorlax and Hitmons. Hopefully will find out if that is more than anecdote.
The 5km category is so huge that I'm struggling to pick out a pattern after 45 hatches. Maybe after 450, it might begin to take some shape. That said, whilst I have either none or one of most types, there are a few with higher numbers (though this is not yet statistically significant). I have had three each of Ekans, Vulpix and Krabby.
However, for 2km eggs, even with only 34 recorded hatches, I have begun to see an obvious bias developing which leads me to believe other egg groups will be the same. I have had six each of Magikarp and Pidgey and four Weedle and Ratatta. By comparison, I have had only one of each starter and am yet to find either a Pikachu or a Clefairy. It may be that this normalises out over another few hatches, but I do suspect that it will only compound over time.
That is a great idea Marc!!!! I also keep a detailed excel spreadsheet allowing me to see what percentage HP and cp etc. My pokemon are of the maximum you can get!!! If you want I will start keeping records of my hatches to add to your data??? I can tell you my last 10k eggs were pinsir, pinsir, jynx.... And I have 2 hatching today. I wonder if the contents of eggs are as regional as the wild pokemon seem to be??? Anyway, drop me a message with a contact address if you want....
OK guys I need to put a spanner in the works!!!! Today 05/11/16 in Lincoln(UK) at 12:10pm, I witnessed an Eevee CP 367 hatch from a 5km egg! My nephew and I were monitoring egg hatching for statistical purposes. Neither of us had any 10km (purple) eggs but we both had a full 9 eggs each, a mixture of 2km and 5km eggs at various stages of hatching. we began our walk and were on our way home when we watched my nephews second to last 5 km egg hatch and it was definitely an Eevee!!!! I told him to immediately make it his buddy so we could check and the distance to walk that came up was 5km which is correct for a 10km egg. Thus, this was a glitch but does suggest that others posting on this blog saying that they hatched pokemon X from egg Y may be correct!!!!
Ignore my last comment!!!!!! I have just seen the news that Eevee is now a 5km hatcher!!!!! Good to see no more pidgeys or rattatas from 2km eggs too...although this might not be such good news to those who are grinding the higher levels and want to do lots of evolution storms!!
I walked to hatch a 5k egg, the game froze, and I received nothing, in my journal it says it was a cp 115 tentacool, but its not in my recent pokemon, or in my pokemon at all. I also hit level 11 and it froze and I received no rewards for that either. I'm so disappointed right now...
The last two 10km eggs that I have hatched have both been Evee's
Did you begin incubating the 10km eggs before 5th November? They are definitely 5 km egg Hatchers now. I am currently loving this mini event.....a screen full of pokemon every time I stop walking for a few seconds.... And at least 6 items from every pokestop! Have just come in from a walk in town and I had an omastar, machoke, and ponyta on my screen together at one point!!! Its insane at the minute. I get the feeling they are catching people up and filling everyone's bags ready for gen 2 ??? :-)
This needs updating now that Rattata and Pidgey don't hatch from eggs anymore and Eevee hatches from 5 km eggs now.
Hatch a Lapras and a Snorlax from 10ks. I think attaching lures to pokestops gives better chances. Gen 2 I'm ready (:
I just caught a ditto
Had anyone else caught ditto
I have only gotten 4 10 km eggs and they haven't been so great. I got an eevee in the first one, an omanyte in the second one, a hitmonchan in the third and I'm currently waiting to hatch the 4th one, I hope it's something good. Happy Pokemon hunting!
I got a Gastly from a 2k, not complaining, but it's weird.
Hatched a 2 km and got a machop.
I got pinsir in 5km egg
I got an Exeggcute in a 2k egg.
Are you going to be adding a Gen 2 chart or updating this chart to include the Gen 2 pokemon anytime soon?
many pokemons from 10 km --> went to 5
and many pokemons from 5 km --> went to 2 km
Why on earth does sudowoodo have to be such a troll from 10k eggs? Just whyyyyyy? I've caught about 5 in the wild and then my 10k egg gets wasted on one. For goodness sake
With all the various pokemon around one keeps getting the same old shit pokemon. When hatching an egg in every KM category, you get the same old crap. What the ???, get you program sorted to be more realistic.
Your game should be more around what the old poke games are. You fight the Poke and when you beat it, you catch it.
One get a CP10 poke and it takes 3 balls to catch it and that if it does not run away. You get a CP1000 rated Poke and you get it with one ball.
Get your game more realistic.
Hatched omanyte from 10k egg gave me 35 candies out of fifty
I'm only under 12
Haven't caught 10km egg for 2 years
I have 30 dittos
@anonymous 2 years? On the game that hasn't been out for even a year? Okay
I'm not sure if this is because of the eggstravaganza event but I hatched a 1427cp Lapras from a 2km egg. I'm not complaining, but it's weird. One bad thing though, when I was checking on the egg, my phone vibrated and I accidentally clicked on a majikarp instead of a kabuto and ended up missing it.
The event stated a "bigger number" of pokemon would be available from 2 km eggs and they were true to their word! I hatched all sorts of pokemon including some very rare ones from 2 km eggs during the event and, as a result, now have completed my pokedex for gen 1 (except for regionals and legendaries of course)! I also collected all the gen 2 starters so now its back to grinding away to complete my gen 2 pokedex :-)
GOT my Scyther on a 2km Egg
I got mareep from 10k egg with 30 candy
I got a pichu from 2km egg and an ekens from another 2km egg
I have hatched a porygon from a 5km egg and 10km egg ok so this is so stupid those who say the Pokémon are fixed to a certain category don't know what they are talking about
I got a chansey from a 2 km egg yesterday.
I just got a chansey from a 2km egg as well
943 lapras with 65 candies :)))))
Are egg hatches still region specific being in the states can I catch a farfetchd?
I got MANTINE in 10kms egg
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