Each Egg has a progress bar, which shows the total distance walked and the remaining distance still needed.
Along with Pokeballs and Potions, Eggs can also be found by interacting with Pokestops.
After walking 1 Kilometer (KM) (A little less than 2/3 of a Mile) this player was able to hatch an Egg. The Pokemon turned out to be a Seel!
It would be nice to have a breakdown on each individual Pokémon page of which class of eggs that Pokémon is confirmed as hatching from.
1) I'm not interested in 2km eggs anymore. As far as I can tell, there is no way to discard an egg. Am I wrong?
2) If I have 9 eggs already, and I get another one, what's the protocol? Does it knock out a lower-level egg? Does it knock out the oldest egg? Or do I not get to keep the one I just found?
1) Just hatch them it doesn't take very long. I've got my infinity incubator on 2km eggs and just run through them a couple of them each day.
2) It wont give you eggs if you are full already. Got to hatch some to pick up more.
Is there any level you have to be at to find eggs? I just started and I'm at level 9 and they just won't show up...
I think they need to make an in game hatchery so we can hatch eggs in the game for those without devices compadible with pokemon go or make your pokeball plus able to hold eggs at least
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